Today’s information explosion provides everyone with a great deal of new knowledge. However, people cannot know everything, human knowledge is not perfect, and decisions must be made quickly. Often mistakes are made. Intuition can help us minimize our mistakes. “Beyond logic there is intuition.” But what is intuition and why it is important in successful managerial decision-making? From this workshop you will learn:
What is it and Why Does Everyone Need it?
- Intuition refers to . . .
- Intuitive and rational minds in organizations
- Why is intuition important to everyone and especially to managers?
- Why intuitive capabilities are becoming even more important today?
- Why intuition is considered to be a powerful business tool
- A lack of intuition may lead to what?
Explaining Intuition
- How the nature of intuition is explained
- Kinds and levels of intuition
- Is intuition the same in various fields of human endeavour?
- What does the effective use of intuition in management mean?
- How does intuition help create innovation?
How is Intuition Measured?
How is Intuition Developed?
- Developmental trajectory of intuitive abilities
- 10-year-rule of expertise and its relation to intuition
- How to encourage the development of intuition
Functions of Intuition in Managerial Decision-Making
- Cognitive function
- Guiding function
- Evaluative function
- Aesthetic/emotional function
- Motivational function
Managing for More Intuitive Minds in Organizations
- How to create and maintain a climate conducive to intuitive minds
- How successful organizations rely on the intuitive powers of their managers
- General strategies for identifying highly intuitive minds
- Domain-specific practices for developing managerial intuition
- How to keep intuitive minds in your organization
How Does Intuition Help Famous Managers?
- Lessons from accomplished managers in the public service
- What can we take from the well-known businessmen and entrepreneurs?
- How do successful scientists do it?
. . . and Finally
- The five-step plan for managing intuition in your organization
- What the nature of intuition is
- Why there is a tremendous interest in intuition as a management device
- What is conscious and unconscious in intuition
- Why intuition in leadership decision-making is often preferable to logical analysis
- What the functions of intuition in the managerial decision-making process are
- How intuition is measured
- Why and how intuition helps people succeed in all fields of human endeavour
- When, where, and how to rely on your intuition
- How to use intuition to make key managerial decisions
- How intuition is developed
- How managers can enhance their intuitive abilities
- How some of the best run organizations develop and use intuition to increase productivity
- How to actualize and realize the intuitive potential of your organization
- Top executives who want to actualize intuitive potential in their organizations and rely on it
- Managers, project leaders, and supervisors in the public and private sectors who want to be highly effective at work by using their intuition and intuitive abilities of their team members
- Managers with an interest in developing their intuitive powers
- Executives who have been identified as fast-trackers
- Managers wishing to hone their management competencies
- Team leaders, supervisors, and coordinators who have been recently promoted to management
- Managers who want to feel a renewed energy towards management
- Individuals wishing to become effective problem solvers and decision makers
- Professionals being considered for management positions
- Individuals wishing to understand whether they possess unique intuitive abilities
- Politicians motivated to develop their political intuition