Managers face the paradoxical challenge of “dualism” in the workplace: functioning efficiently today while innovating effectively for tomorrow. Innovation is anything but business as usual. Yet organizations are warned that either they innovate or evaporate. In a knowledge-based economy, employees of any organization must be innovative in order to be able to come up with new products and services resulting in organizational prosperity. The future will be synonymous with innovation, since it will need an extremely high level of innovation in all areas of human endeavour. Managing innovation therefore becomes one of the key strategic tasks facing organizations of all shapes, sizes and sectors. The question is not whether or not to innovate but rather how to do it successfully. Innovation does not just happen—innovative organizations stay that way by deliberately pursuing management strategies, which will be presented in this workshop.


Essentials of Applied Innovation

  • What is innovation? Its types and levels
  • The main characteristics of innovators
  • The major approaches to understanding innovation
  • The role of the manager in innovation
  • What is innovation leadership?

Benefits of Innovative Performance to

  • Individuals
  • Teams
  • Organizations

How to measure innovation?

  • At the individual level: personal innovative abilities
  • At the group level: teams’ innovative performance
  • At the organization level: organizational innovative capabilities and output
  • How to identify potential innovators

Barriers to Implementing Innovation

  • Why do people resist innovation?
  • The key obstacles to innovation
  • How to overcome them?

Challenges to Innovation Management in Organizations

  • Innovation puzzle or what the trouble with innovation is
  • If innovation is only seen as . . .
  • Exclusive innovation vs. high involvement innovation
  • Dealing with discontinuity
  • What is the innovator’s dilemma?

How to Make Innovation Happen?

  • The main phases of the innovation process
  • Managing the human side of innovation
  • The role of continuous learning in innovation
  • Organizational strategy for innovation
  • Networking for innovation
  • Seven key elements for innovation development projects

Secrets of Successful Innovators in the Public and Private Sectors

  • In avoiding the ‘not-invented-here’ syndrome
  • In keeping away from the tyranny of success
  • In preventing innovation death and slow growth
  • In dealing with conflicting organizational pressures for innovation
  • In creating a unique climate for innovation

 …and What?

  • Your innovation agenda or how to produce innovation streams


  • What successful innovators, small or large, in pubic or in private sectors, have in common
  • What Edison’s and other famous innovation leaders’ legacy is to today’s innovators
  • What the role of failure in innovation is
  • How to manage human resources for innovation
  • How to design a culture for innovation
  • How to be motivated to constantly innovate
  • How to overcome multiple barriers to innovation
  • How to adopt strategies that foster organizational and individual innovation
  • How to apply numerous recipes for innovation


  • Senior managers in the public and private sectors interested in increasing innovative performance of their organizations
  • Executives wishing to design and implement innovation strategies in their organizations
  • Managers, project leaders, line supervisors, and HR professionals who lead innovation management initiatives
  • Middle managers searching for ways to enhance innovative capabilities of their teams
  • Project managers and directors with responsibilities to develop new products and services
  • Professionals wishing to bring innovation to their jobs
  • Intact groups or large organizational units working on innovative projects
  • Policy makers looking for ways to promote innovation
  • Politicians searching for ways to better serve Canadians through innovative actions and new solutions to existing problems
  • Individuals wanting to improve their quality of life via innovation